However, we recommend that as you develop your hazard analysis and HACCP plan, you consider whether other control measures, monitoring activities, and verification activities, etc., are appropriate for your particular process. For example, the two types of heat exchangers presented in the previous lesson are used for different types of juice: Also, the required holding time for HTST pasteurization of juice (3 to 6 seconds) is much shorter than the holding time for HTST pasteurization of milk (15 seconds). 1.0 Example HACCP Plan for Pasteurized Refrigerated Apple Juice. Were committed to providing the world with free how-to resources, and even $1 helps us in our mission. The difference between these two processes is significant, especially when it comes to the health benefits of the juice. This is illustrated in Column 5 of the Hazard Analysis examples in section VII. The site is secure. FDA concurs with this recent assessment that lead levels in juice above 50 ppb may constitute a health hazard, and FDA may in the future establish an action level for lead in juice at levels above 50 ppb. Air space thermometers measure the temperature of the air space above the product in the vat. Food hazard means any biological, chemical, or physical agent that is reasonably likely to cause illness or injury in the absence of its control. Bottles are capped, passed through a metal detector, labeled, cased, and stored refrigerated until shipping. We think about storing apple juice in an apple juicer for long periods of time. If you produce a juice that is subject to the requirements of 21 CFR Parts 113 or 114, i.e., the regulations for low acid canned foods and acidified foods, you do not have to include control measures in your HACCP plan for the potential hazards that are addressed through compliance with 21 CFR Parts 113 or 114, e.g., hazards associated with the formation of Clostridium botulinum toxin. Whether you use a form of radiation (UV radiation or pulsed light), a chemical treatment, or some other type of treatment for pathogen reduction purposes, the process used for pathogen control must be validated for this purpose according to the validation requirements in 21 CFR 120.11 of the juice HACCP regulation. 2.0 Control Measures for Allergens that Can Contaminate Juice from Improperly Cleaned Shared Processing Equipment. Such a CCP would be applicable in a facility that processes both dairy beverages, e.g., milk, and juice. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Your email address will not be published. Span not less than 25 F, and be graduated in 0.5 F divisions. The presence of broken or missing metal parts on or near the grinder, How is monitoring done? Although not required by FDA, the 5 preliminary steps of HACCP as outlined by the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF) will help you in conducting your hazard analysis and developing your HACCP plan, and will prove valuable for other HACCP functions. 61, No. A monitoring procedure would be to confirm visually the existence of the guarantee for each incoming shipment of fruit. V. D. 2.0 and Example CCP and SSOP in VII. This type of pasteurization is one of the most effective methods of sterilizing apple juice, as it kills all microorganisms, including spores. As explained in section VI, such controls need not be included in HACCP plans for these juice products. Some of the illnesses associated with juices have been very severe (e.g., cases of long-term reactive arthritis and severe chronic illness). 12 The juice HACCP regulation requires control measures that will achieve a 5-log reduction in the "pertinent microorganism" for all juices except shelf stable juices, juice concentrates, and juices subject to the low acid canned foods or acidified foods regulations. included strawberry juice [12], orange juice [13], apple juice [14], etc. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". 14 The Juice HACCP Alliance was formed through the voluntary participation of industry, government, and academic members interested in guiding the juice industry to the higher level of food safety assurance provided by HACCP. Pasteurization of fresh-pressed juice is a method used in cider making to ensure consistency and a predictable finished product. B. Culled means separation of damaged fruit from undamaged fruit. Use a water bath canner to process the jars. Proper agricultural control practices by the grower, e.g., insect control, anti-fungal applications when needed, can assist in minimizing mold growth and rot on apples. Are graduated in 1 F increments between 140 F and 155 F. The vat pasteurizer jacket is a double-walled covering. Pulp is removed from the extracted juice by finishers and the juice is pumped to a jacketed surge tank. But it is good to use a fruit machine and a fruit recollection machine for making bigger amounts. Section 120.14 of the juice HACCP regulation specifically describes requirements for imported juice. We also recommend that you consider the following questions in consultation with your process authority: High pressure processing, a technology in which pressure (in excess of 30,000 to 45,000 psig) is the principal anti-microbial agent, has been shown to be effective in reducing vegetative pathogens. An appropriate SSOP might be to establish a procedure for cleaning your equipment with a cleaning solution, e.g., a pre-rinse, followed by a caustic wash, followed by a rinse. In this article, we will look at what pasteurization is, its benefits, and how pasteurizing apple juice is done. This person may be your employee or a hired outside expert. This ensures that the desired minimum holding time is obtained. The indicating thermometer is the official thermometer. This exemption applies to the following types of products: Validation means that element of verification focused on collecting and evaluating scientific and technical information to determine whether the HACCP system, when properly implemented, will control effectively the identified food hazards. The following illustrates some of the elements that might be entered into your HACCP plan. Use low heat and a thermometer to gauge temperature accurately. Cleaned means washed with water of adequate sanitary quality. (See the HACCP Principles and Guidelines publication discussed in section IV. With sterilization, all microorganisms are killed, including the beneficial ones. You may be able to gather a substantial amount of data pertinent to your juice and process and perform a comprehensive hazard analysis, considering all of the factors in the previous section, and determine that no controls (in rare instances), or relatively limited measures, are necessary to control patulin for your apple juice process. Both interstate and intrastate juice processors must evaluate their processing operations using HACCP principles. This will kill any bacteria that could spoil your juice. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Temperature-time-profile and enthalpy diagram of a suggested PEF treatment of apple juice with an initial treatment temperature of 55C, a field strength of 40 kV/cm and a specific energy input of 40 kJ/kg compared to a conventional pasteurization at 85C and for 15 s. The heat loss in the heat exchanger was estimated for 5%. If you use sanitizing agents as surface treatments on fruit used in the production of citrus juice, you should secure documentation from your supplier that the sanitizing agent is either GRAS, or is approved by the FDA for this use. The juice must be at this temperature for accuracy. The product is held in the vat for the required time. Mandatory controls for this hazard are contained in the Low Acid Canned Foods regulation (21 CFR Part 113) and the Acidified Foods regulation (21 CFR Part 114). You can pasteurize the juice for longer. Not have any insulation, to allow inspection of the tube. 1679-1689. Flash pasteurization is when juice is heated to a temperature of between 125F-140F for a few seconds. This increase in temperature is dependent on the composition of the food product, the initial temperature of the product/vessel, the pressure transmitting fluid for batch systems, and the time the product is held at the processing pressure. However, a special concern exists with respect to unsanitary food contact surfaces that can contaminate juice with residues of food processed on the equipment in prior runs that contain allergens. Visual check of positive displacement pump setting, Continuous monitoring with visual check hourly, Segregate and hold affected product for evaluation, destroy, or divert to nonfood use. FDA Recommended Pasteurization Time/Temperatures. However, as noted above, looking at test results over an extended time period may allow you to spot a trend towards loss of process control and take appropriate action before your system fails. Experience in the U.S. has demonstrated that domestically grown fruits and vegetables have a high level of compliance with U.S. pesticide tolerance regulations and that the occurrence of unlawful pesticide residues in food is likely to be infrequent and unlikely to have a severe public health impact. In 1993, FDA established an emergency action level of 80 ppb and above for lead in juice packed in lead soldered cans. Not likely to occur because of SSOP for cleaning and sanitizing; residue levels not reasonably likely to cause illness. Once the juice has reached the correct temperature, remove it from the heat and immediately pour it into a clean container. For this example, it is assumed that the pasteurization process is performed using a continuous (non-batch) system with monitoring of the flow rate of the juice through the heat exchanger. It does not include mechanically harvested fruit, which is obtained by shaking the tree and collecting the fruit from the ground with appropriate mechanical machinery; also called grounders, windfall fruit, or drops. Were the heating requirements met and continuously monitored during pasteurization? However, we encourage you to work with your suppliers to evaluate and modify agricultural practices in accordance with FDA's GAPs guidance document. 5.2 Validated Pasteurization Treatments for Juice. 4.0 If You Process a Non-Juice Beverage with a Juice Ingredient. Growers may voluntarily implement GAPs based upon FDA's GAPs guidance document which is available at, and by mail from the address given in section I. The following table represents excerpts from a HACCP plan for fresh orange juice packed in plastic bottles. For example, the effectiveness of the pathogen reduction process depends upon ensuring that juice is not contaminated by any pathogens that may be present on the peel during the extraction operation. The process is performed under ambient conditions, and temperature is not monitored as a critical factor. For pesticides, the hazard identification and evaluation exercise would be identical to the one shown for apple juice. Room 1-23 Included in this section are three examples of how to write components of a HACCP plan. However, other validation studies may be needed for juices that have pH values greater than 4.0. Which of these two pathogens is determined to be the pertinent microorganism will depend upon which of the two is most resistant to the means of treatment, e.g., pasteurization, UV radiation, that you will use to achieve the 5-log reduction of pathogens that is required under the juice HACCP regulation. By using our site, you agree to our. If you determine that lead is a hazard that is reasonably likely to occur, you could control this hazard by requiring a supplier guarantee specifying that the shipment of fruit supplied was harvested from sources known not to yield lead-contaminated fruit. The product components are added to the vat through the inlet line, with the outlet valve in the closed position. Retail Establishment means an operation that provides juice directly to consumers and does not sell or distribute juice to other businesses. Is the system designed to shut down if a sensor fails or if a sensor indicates that a critical limit is not being met? The likelihood of 2 positives occurring by chance in 17 consecutive tests, or 3 times in 52 tests, when citrus juice is appropriately treated is about 7 in 1000 (p=0.007). You can eyeball it, but using a thermometer is the best method. We may revise and reissue this guidance from time to time as the state of knowledge advances relative to juice hazards and controls. As much energy is consumed the more nutrient content will be depleted. Are graduated in 1 F increments and accurate to within 0.5 F. This guidance does not cover the hazard associated with the formation of Clostridium botulinum toxin in juices that are low acid canned foods or shelf stable acidified foods. * For the purpose of this example hazard analysis, a "significant hazard" is one that meets the definition of a hazard that is reasonably likely to occur in 120.7(a)(2) of the juice HACCP regulation, i.e., it is one for which a prudent processor would establish controls, i.e., at CCPs in his HACCP plan. (See Discussion of Pasteurization Equipment in section V.C 5.31) The excerpts included in this example are for the control of enteric pathogens and metal fragments. A CCP may be established at the pasteurization step where treatment to achieve the 5-log pathogen reduction will be carried out. Both UV radiation and pulsed light have been approved by FDA for the control of microorganisms, and the regulations specifying the conditions under which they may be safely used are at 21 CFR 179.39 (UV radiation) and 21 CFR 179.41 (Pulsed light). You need to know what the critical limits are to be able to enter them into your HACCP plan. It is a way to destroy a bacteria or germ that causes the spoiling of apple juice at a quick rate. UV systems for treating juice have recently begun to be commercialized. The rapid changes in heat and cold can also promote the death of bacteria.Because the lethal point of general bacteria is below 68 and time 30min, the juice can be treated by this method to kill the pathogenic bacteria and most of the non-pathogenic bacteria; the mixed raw materials are heated and suddenly cooled . In U.S. produce unapproved pesticide residues occur infrequently and public health impact is typically not severe. Juice is pasteurized using a tube-in-shell heat exchanger. The generally used HTST pasteurization has 2 types: One is to heat up the milk to 62-65 and keep for 30 min. measure(s) can be applied to prevent/reduce/eliminate the hazard? However, when a typical existing ultrasonic reactor is used, a long pasteurization time is needed to ac hieve the required . The internet address This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Our customers are always asking about how to extend the shelf life of cold-pressed juice. Neither of these two studies evaluated thermal processes for achieving a 5-log reduction for oocysts of the protozoan parasite Cryptosporidium parvum that has been a cause of illness outbreaks associated with the consumption of apple juice. We recommend that processor's who rely on guarantees or certificates from suppliers to control a hazard couple these types of controls with a strong verification procedure, such as visiting the farm periodically or periodically testing the juice. The term "provides" includes storing, preparing, packaging, serving, and selling juice. You may drink juice to get full health benefits. Results indicated that inactivation increased with power level, temperature, and treatment time reaching a microbial reduction up to 7 Log 10 cycles. Check before starting operations each day, check at least every four hours during operation, check at the end of operations each day, and check whenever there is an equipment or other malfunction that could increase the likelihood that metal inclusion could occur. To be amenable to control at a CCP, the control measure must lend itself to validation and to the establishment of critical limits. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Lead contamination of produce can occur as a result of past use of lead in agricultural settings. The potential for high levels of patulin to occur depends on several factors. Pasteurization technology is also applied in other fields, like seafood. For beverages containing less than 100 percent juice, only the juice ingredient must be made applying HACCP principles. Because the entire fruit will be extracted, there is a reasonable chance for the pathogen to be present in the extracted juice if it is present in or on the fruit. The log also will record all cleanings of the equipment, and will denote the cleaning procedure, e.g., pre-rinse, then caustic followed by rinse, and the time of the cleaning. Has a minimum upward slope of 0.25 inch per running foot to ensure uniform product flow and preclude air entrapment. In general, vat pasteurization equipment is constructed to prevent or reduce contamination. Are graduated in 2 F increments and must be accurate to within 1 F. B.). However, some factors that may be encountered in juice processing can contribute to excessive amounts of tin leaching into juice. Juice concentrate means the aqueous liquid expressed or extracted from one or more fruits or vegetables and reduced in weight and volume through the removal of water from the juice. One pot is put on top of another, and the water in the bottom pot is heated. A chemical hazard (specifically, an undeclared food allergen) can occur when juice is processed on equipment that has been used to process a potentially allergenic food without adequate cleaning prior to the juice run. A logarithm is "the exponent of the power to which a base number must be raised to equal a given number." These thermometers: The air space thermometer bulb must be positioned 2 to 3.5 inches from the bottom of the cover, and at least 1 inch from the top surface of the product during pasteurization. The process is similar to that used for milk and milk products: While the process used for HTST pasteurization of juice is very similar to that for milk, there are a few differences. segregate and hold affected product for evaluation, destroy or divert to nonfood use, Stop line, adjust belt speed to achieve critical limit, Records the position of the flow diversion device. The presence of glass fragments in containers passing the CCP, How is monitoring done? Rockville, MD 20857. Although not formally defined in the juice HACCP regulation, this section also describes the terms "fallen fruit," "hazard analysis," "HACCP," "HACCP plan," HACCP team," "juice concentrate," "pasteurization," "process authority," and "retail establishment.". This is illustrated in the following table: The initial number of pathogens present in your untreated juice is likely to be far less than 105 organisms per gram, i.e., only 101 or 102 organisms per gram. Fill bottles with juice and tighten caps. B - Pathogens in raw fruit have been known to cause illness. A rack might make it easier to remove the jars from a pot afterward. C. It also prevents the growth of harmful microorganisms like E. coli and salmonella, which can make the juice unsafe to consume if its not handled correctly. For this reason, we recommend that Listeria monocytogenes be considered as a possible "pertinent microorganism" for juices that have not been associated with illness outbreaks caused by Salmonella species, E. coli O157:H7, or Cryptosporidium parvum. (See discussion about when FDA recommends use of a CCP vs. an SSOP for contaminants from food contact surfaces in section IV. You simply heat up the juice to just below boiling. We encourage you to read these documents and consider the information in them as you establish your HACCP system. The pasteurization process involves heating the juice for a specific time at a certain temperature, usually around 140F (60C). These items are just as healthy as if they had not been cooked. Prepare or maintain the safety of unpasteurized juice. They must also be easily cleanable. In this section, we have included some specific biological, chemical, and physical hazards that we recommend you consider in your hazard analysis. The vast majority of commercially produced juices are heated at 185 C to destroy fungi, yeast, and bacteria. FDA has issued a Compliance Policy Guide (CPG Section 555.250) entitled "Statement of Policy for Labeling and Preventing Cross-contact of Common Food Allergens" (see Section I. and Listeria monocytogenes in fruit juices, NFPA calculated that this typical process used for shelf stable juices would achieve a 50,000 log reduction for these pathogens without taking into account the cumulative lethality during the cool down period. Un-pasteurized juice is also received in tankers. The best way to tell if apple juice is pasteurized is by looking for labels that say sterilized, UHT pasteurized, or UHP pasteurized. The more temperature reduces the flavor of a liquid more than the smaller heat. orange juice, as well as other fruit liquids such as apple cider. It appears that pressure and residence time may be used to optimize the bactericidal effects of CO2. Many raw fruits are prone to bacterial growth, especially when cut or juiced. Don't let the juice cool down before you bottle it, as that reduces its shelf life. (See also FDA Compliance Policy Guide 555.425). It applies to milk, tea drinks,fruit juice and concentrates with without high fiber or high viscosity. Non-juice beverages that contain juice as an ingredient, e.g., carbonated beverages that contain juice, or fruit flavored drinks that contain juice, are not required to be produced under a HACCP system. We recommend that you confirm that the device is operating correctly at least at the start of each production day. In the vat or batch method of pasteurizing juice: Heat is applied to one large lot or batch. 8 Mak, Peggy P., Ingham, Barbara H., and Ingham, Steven C., Validation of Apple Cider Pasteurization Treatments against Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella, and Listeria monocytogenes, Journal of Food Protection: Vol. That can Contaminate juice from Improperly Cleaned Shared processing Equipment residence time may be employee! 1 helps us in our mission number must be accurate to within 1 F increments between 140 F 155... The health benefits raw fruit apple juice pasteurization temperature and time been known to cause illness into a container... Your suppliers to evaluate and modify agricultural practices in accordance with FDA 's GAPs guidance document pour into. To bacterial growth, especially when it comes to the vat or.! And keep for 30 min principles and Guidelines publication discussed in section IV established an emergency action level 80! 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